Nissan India on Tuesday said that it has rolled out 50,000th unit of its Sport Utility Vehicle (SUV) Magnite from the Chennai plant of Renault Nissan Automotive India Pvt Ltd (RNAIPL) alliance.
Terming Magnite as a game changer, Rakesh Srivastava, MD, Nissan Motor India, said in a statement that the company had received over 100,000 customer bookings in domestic & export markets,
“We have been able to achieve the 50,000th Magnite milestone in less than 15 months despite head winds from Covid and the semi-conductor crisis. Our employees and supplier partners have contributed immensely with innovative strategies to overcome this crisis,” said Biju Balendran, MD & CEO, RNAIPL.
Magnite was the first global product to be launched under the Nissan NEXT transformation plan. Since its launch, 50,000 Magnites have been produced in Chennai, despite the challenges of the Covid-19 pandemic and ongoing semiconductor shortage.