On February 15, 10 women officers from the Indian Army set sail from the Chennai Port for a gruelling journey from Chennai-Nizampatnam-Vizag-Nizampatnam-Chennai by sea. They have not only charted a new course in the history of the Indian Army but also made the country proud. Shattering all possible glass ceilings, making their own mark and setting new benchmarks, these women completed a successful expedition and proved their mettle.
The 10-day long expedition was led by Major Mukta Gautam, and the crew comprised Major Priya Semwal, Major Priya Das, Major Rashmil Sangwan, Major Arpita Dwivedi, Major Sanjana Mittal, Captain Jyoti Singh, Captain Malvika Rawat, Captain Shubham Solanki, and Captain Sonal Goyal.
The women covered a distance of nearly 900 nautical miles, marking this voyage as the first-ever sailing expedition undertaken by the all-women crew of the Indian Army, after the Navika Sagar Parikrama by the Indian Navy in 2018.